How to Develop a Business ?

Say you 've got a business . Surely then you can think about is how to develop a business that is not ? Yes , business development must always be pursued by the business owner . Someone who already has a business would not want to go anywhere let alone his business went bankrupt . Certainly desirable is how to develop it so that the greater again .
Know how?
The most commonly performed for the development of business is to boost turnover . The number of sales in order to pursue higher and higher . Then last month , say you reach 1000 sales , then you try this month increased by more than that number . By doing so , increasing sales turnover definite impact on the magnitude of the results obtained .
The way how ?
  • With a more vigorous promotion
  • Deploying specialized programs
  • Able to download stock products more and more diverse
  • By providing better service

Another way is to develop new business . Previous example, suppose that you have a car wash business , then you develop with open stalls again at his side . And so, your efforts that originally the car wash , it has increased the food stalls .
Now, if I add this business you do , what should you look for?
  • Do you want to create an entirely new business or want to acquire businesses that previously existed . Examples of food stalls earlier . Consider next to your car wash business there food stalls . Well , if you intend to take over the business or make your own ?
  • Calculate also how much capital you need to start a new venture . Calculate also the operational costs . How many employees will you need. Any food that you will sell . In essence , all that will be required when running a business that must be considered .

Developing new business , meaning you explore new markets , and of course new challenges . To be sure , when you want to develop a business , my advice do not have to wait for everything to be perfect . When you see a new business that is ready way , just direct the ACTION !
Any comments ? What do you think ?

10 Steps to Make Your Website Being Machine Producing Money

Machine Producing Money
Just imagine the joy it would be if you could have a cash generating machine. You just sit back and enjoy the tea warm, and your cash machine is working. 

Do not just dream! If serious, you can have a business that way. So that you can achieve them, I show them how.

Here are 10 steps to juggle your web site into a money generating machine:
  1. Find the right product. Last chance could you achieve if you follow the system of affiliate programs. You can create your own products in the field you love. If not, you can be a reseller of products which have proven successful.
  2. Get web hosting and domain. To create a website, you need to have a web hosting and domain. Many options are available at an affordable cost. You can search by typing "domain hosting" on search engines. Please read the guide to choose quality web hosting and domain names that are alluring.
  3. Get an FTP program. Furthermore, you must have an FTP program (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is one you need when creating a website. Some FTP software such as WS_FTP Pro, SmartFTP and FileZilla. Using it is very easy. In SMUO products that can be found at, I explain in detail. I'm sure you can quickly use it.
  4. Find the program to create a webpage. Well, the next step you have to make a webpage. This is where you set the web interface. To make it, there are several programs that you can use. Such as Frontpage and Dreamwaver.
  5. Create a squeeze page. The term may be unfamiliar squeeze page you hear. But I make no seasing name. You can make it in your account or autoresponder like Aweber Getresponse. Or it could also be the software squeeze page.
  6. Get an auto responder. Auto responders are useful to respond automatically, perform email marketing, promotion, send newsletters, and others. All that is needed in internet marketing. I myself use GetResponse.
  7. Give readers information on a regular basis. So as not to break up the relationship, you must be diligent in communicating with customers. Able to transmit information to the website via an email subscriber. Or it could also update the contents of the blog. Based on my observations, the blog now has a central role in internet marketing. Not surprisingly, if the blog becomes mandatory tool owned internet business. Further see Mas Wawan said why blogging is quickly gaining popularity.
  8. Find the right affiliate programs. If you intend to become an affiliate, you can find the right product. Able to use search engines, you type "+ type of affiliate product you want". But it needs to be wary of affiliate programs that are circulating. Make sure only select affiliate programs that benefit you.
  9. Start promoting websites. Well, this is the most important step that determines the success of your internet business: Promotion! Either free or paid promotion. If you select a paid promotion, adjust your promotional budget .
  10. Quality Service. After customers began to arrive, do not ignore them. Give the best service quality. Do not hesitate to communicate with them. Because they are the assets of your internet business.

Applying the 10 steps in the discipline and konsiten, guaranteed your internet business will grow and flourish. Until eventually become money-making that continues to generate passive income. 

Create your money-making now !!!

9 Methods To Get Higher Website Conversion And Generate More MLM Leads

Many people in the network marketing industry rely on working off the Internet in their local and warm market or following old school recruiting techniques like calling mlm phone leads. 

Many are reluctant to use those techniques. Many have had disappointing results. Therefore, an increasing number of network marketers are looking for online ways to generate mlm leads. 

The basic way to generate leads on the Internet is to put up a website or landing page, drive traffic to it, and get a percentage of visitors to opt in by filling out a form asking for their contact information. Increasing web site traffic is a major topic in itself and is covered in a separate article. The other key part of lead generation is raising the percentage of visitors who opt in when you get them to your site. This is called conversion. 

These are the nine major strategies we teach our team members to get higher conversion at their website or landing page. Top results with conversion begin with proper website design. The sole purpose of the web site is to do just one thing and do it efficiently...get the maximum percentage of traffic to opt in. 

Your page should be a clean layout, be fast loading, simple to read, and deliver the information the visitor is expecting to see. 

Avoid links going to other pages. Avoid using flashing images and other distractions. 

Like in all other advertising, you still must use compelling headlines and body copy. If you don't capture their attention, you will not get them to opt in. 

Make it simple and clear what they need to do. As an example, direct them to enter their first name and email address in the box below. 

Make it clear what the prospect will get for opting in. People are increasingly hesitant about giving out their personal information. Make it clear you have what they want. 

Avoid asking for unnecessary information on the opt in form. The less information you request, the higher your conversion rate will usually be. 

Offer a bonus to get more optins. 

Maintain and display a clear No-spam policy. 

Always test different versions of your website or landing page. Keep looking for what gets the highest results. 

Increasing the percentage of visitors who do opt in may be more critical than driving more traffic to your website or landing page. Follow these tips to improve conversion on your website or landing page and you can generate more mlm leads.

The Process of Becoming Wealthy



Is it possible to get rich quick? No. Building wealth is a slow process. Think of it as planting a tree from a seed. If you plant the seed on a Wednesday you don't have a full grown oak by the weekend, do you? No. It takes disciple to get up and water your seed several times a week. Maybe you have to put fertilizer on it. Then there's bug control and annual pruning. After many years, you'll finally have your full grown oak. Getting wealthy is the same process. It takes discipline, hard work and sacrifice. The truth is it is probably much easier to be poor but if you are one of the special few, I'll share the process of wealth building with you.
The Process of Becoming Wealthy
How does one become wealthy? This is a question as old as time itself. Some are privileged enough to learn the answer to this question early in life while others never learn the answer. They spend their lives living in want, undue stress and desperation. For those who commit to something better, here is the process of getting wealthy at no cost to you.
1# Establish an emergency fund! This is absolutely critical. An emergency fund prevents you from acquiring troublesome high-interest debt. High-interest debt kills more wealth than a fox kills chickens in a hen house. Build up your cash reserves for life's emergencies and say no to high-interest debt! Banks and credit unions are fantastic places to store your emergency fund.
2# Avoid Most Debt! Not all debt is the same. There is good debt and there is bad debt. The difference is one type of debt can actually make you wealthier while the other debt (bad debt) makes you poorer. An example of good debt is a home or maybe a business loan. An example of bad debt is a credit card. If you already have credit card debt your first priority is to pay it off! If you have multiple credit cards, a consolidation loan will help but you must not get into trouble again after you wipe your credit cards clean. After you pay off each card, go ahead and cut it up.
3# Get you know yourself! Huh? I know what you're thinking. You are thinking that you already know yourself. I beg to differ. I think you probably don't really know yourself. Out of all the steps I'm giving you, this one is the most critical. You have to know yourself because knowing yourself will shape your investing strategy. If you judge yourself wrong, you will lose thousands of dollars investing. Did you just hear what I said? I'll repeat it. You will lose thousands! This is how so many people lose money in the stock market. They lose money because they don't know themselves. Are you comfortable with risk? Are you the type of person that loves the largest roller coaster at the amusement park? Or are you happiness on the merry-go-round? These are the details you need to know about yourself. Can you sleep at night owning a risky investment that has fantastic potential for monetary reward or does just the thought of owning something like that give you ulcers? Either way, there is an investment strategy for the risky and the conservative. You just need to know yourself so you can pursue the right course of action.
4# Read everything you can get your hands on! Buy and read financial books, don't worry about the money too much, consider each purchase an investment. There is so much knowledge out there and I've realized the best way to become wealthy is to study the wealthy.
5# After you've read everything you can get your hands on for at least three to six months only then are you ready to invest! You'll need to open a mutual fund or a brokerage account. You have to pick the type of account based on KNOWING YOURSELF.
6# Regularly invest money into your account! I recommend investing a portion of your salary at least monthly. This is a strategy called Dollar Cost Averaging. This strategy allows you to forgo trying to time the market and purchase shares that average out in the long run. Sometimes you'll buy shares at market peaks, sometimes at market lulls. The trick is by using this strategy your mutual fund/common stock purchases average out in the long run. Here is a simple example. Suppose one month you purchase one share of stock at $20. The next month you purchase one share at $10. Now, in your portfolio, you have two shares of stocks averaged at $15 a share. Do you see how Dollar Cost Averaging works? This is a powerful strategy that simplifies investing and it can lead to some awesome returns.
7# Let you money stay put! There is always pressure to sell. The media barks about a financial crisis every other week. Your car may break down. Your friend Susan may need a loan. There is always some perceived crisis demanding your money. For you to really become wealthy and I mean really wealthy, you must resist these types of urges and not sell. Emergencies will happen but your investment accounts must stay off limits. Emergencies are for your fully funded emergency fund. Not your investment accounts. Investment accounts are for long-term growth and wealth accumulation. Leave those accounts alone, make them off-limits and watch your wealth and riches rise with time.
This is the process of getting rich, now go out there and start your journey. Start with feeding your brain. Your mind is the key to wealth. Nourish it with financial books. You can never have too much knowledge and the small price you pay for knowledge will pay you back a thousand times over.

6 Tips to Creating a Successful Small Business

Small Business

Small Business

Want to start a small business ? Business can be done from home , but if only a small business but promise big profit ?
If your answer is YES , follow the tips below.
Yes , never underestimate a small business . What I mean here is the small business capital small businesses .
How small ?
The range of 50 million to even less than 1 million rupiah. Although businesses with little capital , but the results can be very tempting . If you lack confidence , you can begin to ask the small businesses around you successful . You may ask how they started ? What makes them able to continue to grow and continue to improve its business , although initially only a small capital .
I add the following tips for you to start a successful small business .
  1. There is always a gap in the market. Even if you think the competition is so tight , in fact there is always a gap open . Live you can recognize it or not . How to catch it , find out the development needs of the consumer . Undoubtedly you will find that you can dig a gap to be a business opportunity 
  2. ACTION quickly with little capital. Often there may be said that the business does not need a little capital . This statement is true if you want to make the factory . :) If you do not have that much money to make the factory , you can start other businesses that do not need a big capital to start . There are many choices both online business and offline business . ACTION important thing started as soon as possible and do not need a big capital .
  3. Earn the first sale as soon as possible. Maybe you 've never heard of this my advice on this blog . Yes , this is important . Not only to burn your spirit , as well as to the health of your cash flow . Yes , delicious as the first time can be money from the internet .
  4. Perform the test. Yes , when you have started your small business , make it a habit to perform tests in all aspects of your business . Pointless to look for where the truly best and work optimally for your business . Or at least you did the test about the price of your product .
  5. Give what they really want. Sometimes the real needs of consumers is not conveyed through words . Therefore you need to dig to find out what exactly they need .
  6. Add positive message. As much and as often as possible , focus on the message you want to convey by adding positive things to your business .

Anybody want to add more tips ? Let's convey through the comment box below

How To Online Business Success (Part 1)

How To Online Business Success (Part 1)
The presence of today's online business world makes life so enjoyable. Each person can work comfortably from home, set their own hours of work, choose a business that you like, and enjoy unlimited income. More than that, each person can freely plan their lives today and in the future. Without having to make the displaced families, lack of affection due to the busyness of living.

Really for me this grace beyond measure. The existence of the internet has changed the fate of many people. The Internet has become a lifesaver for millions of people to have a better life.

But long before that, when a business online is not popular, not least the challenges that must be faced. I remember at the beginning of this pioneering online business. Why not a few people snickered and I assume half (or even completely) crazy. Because I tried to lean life of the virtual world, the world that may be for some people as well as the imaginary world: a world where Aladdin lives with genie lamp that is able to meet all demands.

However, I am reluctant to indulge their talk. All of scorn, insults, until the phrase sarcastically dismissive tone, I swallow without chewing. I believe online business is a real business. As real as offline business. And even success can bring much more powerful than an offline business. It was this belief that I hold firm to the end led me sipping pleasure as it is today.

Well it seems like there will be no end if nostalgic for old times' sake ... I therefore ends meet got here first sharing the experiences of the past. And let's begin to get into this discussion.

Having an online business is like exercise to develop to become a better human being day by day. How we are able to pass through the stages of our lives more meaningful than ever. 

Many things that I get from an online business. Not merely abundant money, online business has trained me to be personally resilient and never give up. Online businesses improve self-discipline, making always thirsty to learn, continuously improving communication skills, focus training, and many other things.

Creative, the key to success in online business

I am very aware, online-business who have forged myself so always berfalsafah: today should be much better than yesterday. 

Therefore, the self-improvement directly affect the online business is run. Try any of our undisciplined, easily surrender to face a difficult situation, we will surely online business brittle and crumble easily. 
The business world is sometimes we think is cruel, do not know the word mercy. The business world is always running on the rails, never tolerate those who do not know themselves. The business world knows only two things. Who successfully deserve praised, failed deserve to be punished.

And everything was handed to us. We are given complete freedom to choose and work on that. If we choose to nourish idleness, maintaining fears grow your business, and do not have great ideas, online business surely we are just waiting for the time backward to the brink of failure.

Conversely, if we want strives to develop our business, dare to break through the difficulties encountered, creative and willing to create new ideas, I guarantee we will be a lasting online business and continue to grow. 

One more thing that I want to underline. There is a striking difference between wishful thinking and action. I'm sure you can tell the difference. Many people who have a great imagination, but because it did not go at all, it's wishful thinking will never come true.

Many people also own an online business, but failed to develop their online business. The reason, they are afraid to take risks. Online business opportunities are more scattered they dare not Sabet. They always looked at the risk of the negative glasses. Shadow failures haunt them more than the shadow of success that might be achieved. Until finally the opportunities beforehand disabet others and they are only able to regret. 

We need not fear risk. It is precisely the risk which will help us to develop. Risks that will make us strong and resilient. Businessman makes true risk is not as opponents, but the friend who drove to success.

Repeatedly faced difficulties also a friend who will make us stronger. Thanks difficulties come, we are trained to continue to develop themselves and find solutions. So there is no time to be silent. We take the time we are ready to work hard, stay focused despite the pressure, and even enjoy the process being undertaken. 

We might be able to argue that every person is different. So when dealing with something else has different resistance too. That's true, but that's not what we need. We do not need pressure to be successful. We just need to challenge ourselves to be successful.

Keep your face and keep optimislah contract business through online. Face your future with a bright smile. Rest assured, there must be a lot of convenience behind a handful of trouble. 

And because of that I always emphasize STOP DREAMING, START ACTION. Immediately act from now on. Seize the opportunities and risks lunge! 

Are you ready to accept the challenge to succeed in online business?

7 secrets of winning the competition in the internet business.

Everyone always wants to win the competition in any field. You probably is not the first in the business of the Internet, but it is not impossible that you are winning the competition in this business. However very early one in the business of internet, but if not accompanied by a strong will and a steely consistency, doing internet business is definitely not easy to succeed....

Internet business is loaded with a variety of conveniences and advantages. Still, it takes sincerity and strong determination to run. Although most of the system can be set automatically, but as a business owner we still need to take care of day to day. Attention to its development and ensure that we set targets to be achieved.

Well, here I explain the 7 secrets of winning the competition in the internet business. You should try it too of course ...
  1. Find your talent. You've got talent? Of course, everyone has talent. But not everyone can recognize talents. So that you know exactly what talent you have, you can ask yourself: what you like. If you are a talented person who tinkers motorcycle for example, you can make about the automotive internet business. Can form a forum for consultation or perhaps even sell spare parts and motorcycle accessories. After finding what your talent, talent use it to build your online business. Trust me, if you do something that you really like, your activity will be fun. And certainly the money will come flowing. Gali, recognize, and use your talents to make your internet business growing fast.
  2. Open up your mind. In managing an Internet business is very necessary inspiration. The idea is very valuable in this business. To get an idea develop your internet business, try to read a lot of books. If you do not really like to read, inspiration can come when you observe something. So the idea is nice, direct use. Do not wait for an idea that is lost because you leave it too long.
  3. Do not half. You know, it was like the shackles of doubt. While still in doubt you can not do a good job. That's why half measures do not work at starting a home-based online business. Do everything in total, so that you can achieve the best results. For example, you are learning about the flow of traffic, do it wholeheartedly. Other times you learn about SEO, do likewise with all seriousness.
  4. Do it with passion. You must agree to say a job as something flexible. That is, it will feel heavy if used as the load, but it would be nice if done with passion. Likewise in building an online business. Wake up with the spirit of the business. The spirit will make you optimistic. And rest assured, optimism leads you to the peak of success.
  5. Inject motivation. If you want to manage your internet business successful, always inject yourself motivated. Tell the people around you about your dreams, your goals, and what will you get from the internet business. This method can boost your motivation to continue to build an Internet business.
  6. Do not stop in the middle of the road. People likens the spirit like waves. Sometimes high, other times low. When spirit rises advantage as possible. But if you have to endure weakened, do not decide to quit. Many people stop doing business when they dimmed the spirit. If so ended it all. But if you persist, you include people who are resilient and ready for reaping success.
  7. Think positive. Everyone, including me and you, always craving the perfect result. In life, for example if you are young, you want youth a fun and happy old age. It is not impossible. Think positive and believe it could happen to you. What do you think, that's what will happen.
Well, now you are confident enough to start an Internet business, right? Now a good time to start, before you regret later. Stop dreaming, do what you want start this minute. Rest assured, if you are serious, it is not impossible to win the competition you internet business.

How to Get Passive Income from the Internet

Passive Income

Passive Income

I often get the question: Can I get a passive income from the internet? What should I do to generate passive income from the internet? And many more similar questions asking how to make passive income from the internet.
Such questions may also have long existed in your mind. You searched for how to make it possible to automatic income from the internet without having a lot of sweat. Want to know?
The key to generate a passive income that you need to develop a source of income that can generate passive income, making the system, and monitor the system was working well. 
To create a potentially successful business and generate passive income, steps:
  1. Make your information product, If for example you are successful with this business has even become a consultant in the field, you have to do to generate passive income is to make your product information for the field. Creating an information product allows you to teach many people without having to meet face to face. Add also the software associated with your information products to enhance the sale value of your product. The next two steps as explained in the guide is for automated web SMUO and promotion.
  2. Create a system, Once your internet business the way, then you need to create a system so that you can run an internet business in your absence or with your intervention to a minimum. The system will move the wheels of your internet business.
  3. Recruit people, The system has been so, then you need to find someone to run the system, you're pretty monitor only. Internet business today no longer its time that everything must be done alone. Anyone would be overwhelmed if you run any internet business activity alone. I'm sure the result will also be far from the maximum. Therefore you need to recruit people and place it on the right place in the system that you have created. That's what I've done so far and make me generate passive income from internet business. I'm sure you too can. Follow in my footsteps to build your internet business to be able to make a passive income forever.

What It Takes to Be Rich?

There was a fellow who complained to me because his life from the first so-so only. Did not move for the better. He explained that the reason may be because he does not have an attitude like a winner. He says do not have the mindset to succeed like others.
Then I asked him: "really want to make a lot of money?"
"Yes," she answers but with a less confident tone.
Then I continued to talk. "If you really want to make a better life, forget about the mindset. Focus on your actions! "
"How mean ?," he asked, surprised. "Is not it necessary mindset."
I replied, "that is to say like this ... do not have a headache why until now life has not changed for the better, but do ACTION to make what you want come true."
Not that I consider unimportant mindset. Mindset can be formed in accordance with the customs of your actions.
The fellow asked, "what about concrete?"
I asked him to get me a piece of paper and write down how much wealth wishing obtained in the next 10 years. He wrote the number 1 with a row of nine zeros behind the fruit. He wrote the number 1 billion.
Then, I asked him to split again based on year and month. He was found result. Year he only needs to collect Rp 100 million per month and only need to reach Rp 8.3 million results.
Then I asked again he was thinking about how to get the minimum amount of money each month. 
He then scribbled on a piece of paper and after completion he smiled broadly. "Yes it is very possible I did," he said eagerly. "Thank you very much sir." 
Then he came home with full motivation to achieve what he wanted. 
One important lesson from this is how colleagues had originally come up with a listless face, then by changing slightly the angle of view, something that initially feels may be impossible, it is very likely he accomplished. 
All you need is action. Life must ACTION-oriented. Nothing is impossible, as long as you think you can and want to do ACTION. 
Without the need to worry about how your life has not moved better today, but the focus on ACTION to get what you want. Trust me, it will undoubtedly make you become a better attitude in life is.

How to Increase Income Without stopping

Increase Income

Increase Income

You are "bored" because they can not increase the income received today? It never rose much less in the future increasingly severe as it is today? Needless to frustrated or give up. There is always an answer to every difficulty. 

To be sure, if you want to increase your income and how do you do during this unreliable, you need new ways to make it happen. If you still do the same way, the results obtained certainly was not much different. 

But before it gets to Z, let us start from a first. If you want to change your life, you need a solid foundation before it reaches that stage. So that when you are enjoying the income as "water fountain that never clogged" or when money is no longer everything, you already have the mental preparation.

Can increase revenue without stopping?

How Much Money Do You Actually Need?



In the encounter with many people , I often find people who want to become entrepreneurs or online business . When I asked what was the reason they became entrepreneurs or businessmen ?

On average I can answer that is due to be rich . The answer is actually very humane . Who does not want to be rich ? Most people would want to be rich .

When chased why they want to get rich , the average answer because they want to live peacefully calm cool safe without fear of lack of money .

In fact , how much money is actually needed to fulfill that desire ?

Okay , let's calculate how much actual money that we need to meet the needs of every day . Needs of each month we include eating and drinking , clothing , medical expenses , education expenses , entertainment expenses , savings , insurance , property mortgage , vehicle payments , miscellaneous expenses .
True as this we need each month or there is expense items are not included ?
You can adjust yourself with your monthly expenses . And right amount of spending per person can be different . But typically , spending is always directly proportional to income . The greater the income , spending too enlarged .

Detailed monthly expenditure for each of your family , and see the total dollars needed each month . Let's say for example a monthly requirement of Rp 30 million . That means that the actual amount of money you will need each month to meet the wishes of cool calm peaceful life .
So , in fact we need money really is not so great . Agree ?

For a year needs , means multiplied by 12 and exit rate of Rp 360 million to make ends meet cool calm tentrem it . We can certainly disagree that the money of Rp 360 million was a lot or a little . Therefore , my colleagues are spending a month there is much bigger than that , and conversely there are also smaller than the Rp 30 million per month .

But the real message I want to say is do not be too eager to passionate to make very much money . For the money you need is actually not as much as you would think . So no need to stress to make more money . Enjoy and enjoy your life ! 

The Importance of Asset: You Already Have? If Not, How to Have it?

Importance of Asset
In the past, when they have not learned how to be rich, I thought like most people: working to earn money. Until then been stranded as a field worker in Jakarta. It feels heavy and hard life at that time.
Luckily I still have big dreams. Of learning I know that to be rich, we need to have assets. If the majority of the new work to earn money to finance his life, otherwise the rich have assets then make money constantly.
Miraculous! The Internet has made ​​my life changed. Now in addition to a virtual asset and the spread of high-value, my assets are also growing in the offline world in the form of property, land, and others.

Why have assets?
Said Robert Kiyosaki in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, an asset is something that produces income. So, if you have, like the house you live in for example do not provide income for you, then it is not an asset.
For prosperous life, you need to have an asset because:
  • Asset finance you. You become rich by collecting assets generate. For those assets that will work for you. So that the assets that fund your next life.
  • Many sources of income. With has many and varied assets, then you have various sources of income that are ready to finance your life. Of the revenue generated your assets are, must be greater than your expenses.
  • Assets continue to work. No matter whether you're sick or lazy, assets will continue to work for you. Conversely, if you work to earn money, then that means your income stops pain. Is that right?
Asset Type: Online and Offline
For me, the assets are divided into two assets online and offline assets.
Online assets are assets that are on the internet. Either in the form of a blog, website, contact data, supporting software, and everything related to the Internet.
Offline assets consist of assets such as property, land, and other revenue-generating.

How to acquire an asset? 
To have an asset, you have to make an investment. 
So often I point out to business investment. Therefore the best way to prosper.
The investment process when depicted as shown below.
Investments make your own assets. The assets are then served to replace your income. 
The challenge then is how to build your assets every day. Until that growing your assets and bring in revenue, the better.

How Asset Management Internet Business?

A few years ago I wrote about the importance of having an asset . Want assets online and offline assets equally important . For those who jump on the internet businesses have assets online course very important . Because from there you can source the money flowing .

Well , now I will share tips for how you can manage the assets well .
Now we first agree that there is a healthy existing assets unhealthy . Online assets that you should certainly have a healthy asset . Like what healthy assets ?

  • produce
  • Value will be the better in the future

So the online assets that you need to have it generates and potential will get better in the future .
Examples of online assets such as domain names , websites , online products , software , data, and things related to your Internet business .

Then , How to Conduct Asset Management ?

First , the data assets you have. Do a survey of online assets that you have. What are your website , your web domain , and others .

Secondly , after being recorded , the data also how much you can charge your assets it . Suppose you write how the cost of purchase , how much maintenance costs , as well as the estimated present value of the asset .
Third , plan subsequent steps . Once you have a complete picture of what kind of online assets that you have it , you can think about what you will do to your online assets that . The options , can be maintained , sold , left alone , and should not continue .

  • For example, suppose you have 20 web. From the web 20 only 10 were healthy. Of the 10 web you want to be sold 2 with values ​​so, because you have a plan from the sale of two of the website will be used to add new online assets. Medium 8 web will continue to be maintained and improved. 
  • Then from 10 other web unhealthy, your plan will not be forwarded as much as possible web 5 prospects are not so good. And 5 Other web will still be left first because you still have other plans in the future for the web fifth....
Now, with these online asset management business well, you would have a big picture of how your online assets now and what you will do.

How to Make Money from Many Sources

Getting money from multiple sources is very important. Because, so you can earn more money and ensure great earning more stable. 
Yes, getting money from many sources has become everyone's needs at this time. No longer sufficient to meet the requirement if it everyday just rely on your salary. 
Not to mention if something untoward happens, like you lose your job, or you may experience severe pain or severe accident. 
Make Money

I know nobody wants it to happen. But all of that is very likely to happen to everyone. We never know what will happen, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, or a year longer. 
And suppose the things untoward that happens, what happens if you do not have a lot of sources of money? Do not have the preparation to anticipate unwanted things earlier?
Therefore we need to create multiple sources of money, and even better is creating a lot of money that is the source of passive income.

That's not a difficult thing if we want to start it.
Investments are one way. The offline can be realized with buy / build a house for example. Business investment to open a business, for example.
On the internet is not much different. You can buy / build a website, business, or develop various services on the internet that I lay out in instanX secrets easily.
And on the internet, as long as you can run the internet marketing, you certainly can build and develop anything on the internet, to make money for you, and then make it as passive income. 
Business on the internet is the best way that I know can be done by anyone, from any background to turn his life into a life as a dream. With the internet, you can take your business wherever you go. want to be taken during the holidays, want to be taken while visiting relatives, want to be taken when the roads are all able. For me this is true freedom.

In addition to having their own internet business, you can also join affiliate or reseller program. This is also promising. you can not only absorb knowledge, but you also have the opportunity to earn extra income.
There are people to have more than 100 sources of income from the internet. Yes, it's true. And he does very simple. Not far from what is taught in She has a website, he's got a product. This product could be the product for yourself or other people's products, and the promotion of living alone. Yes, it's just to get money from the internet.
The most important thing when you decide to start an online business ...
  • Commit and ready to do everything to produce. If you are able to commit to anything until you make money, and you will not stop until it works, then you certainly will not fail.
Remember my words.
Until you know how much fun it can be to make money from the internet, you will never be able to stop. Seriously it's like an addiction to do it again and again.
Since I started in 2001 and a lot of people then followed my footsteps to do it and start making money, they have the same addiction.

For those of you who intend to start an internet business, ask the people around you about your business on the internet. If nobody can not explain it, meaning no one can give you the information. You specify the fate of your own future. Want to continue living like now or want to change your life 
And again, this is not just making money. Many people ask me, "how do I make money from the internet?" 

For me the question is not quite right. More appropriate question is "how can I help others?", "How can I serve others?", "How can I give you something that is needed by others?".
Because of it, people are willing to exchange money for the value you provide. 
Internet business is not at all complicated. I've taught this to many people. Business on the internet is as simple as you open food stalls and people who need to eat to come to your place to eat. As simple as this, and could even simpler. 
The money is just a medium of exchange. And the amount of money a person can collect it shows the number of people who have them serve. 
So, let's change the question "how do I make money from the Internet" in your mind into a "how to help others?". Undoubtedly the money will come to you.

7 ways to be Rich

RichDefinitely a lot of people want to become rich. If you can even alias quickly suddenly rich. The question is now how do I make it happen? 
There are several ways to become rich. 
The first two I mentioned ways is quite instant, was the next way in need of capital.

  1. Get heritage . This is the way to get rich quickly. If you are rich parents, and can keep his fortune to the end, and you get an inheritance, then you immediately become rich. 
  2. Married to a rich man. The second way to become rich is also quite instant. Just look for the rich, and married him. Then you suddenly become rich.
  3. Being an artist. If you've got the look right, you can be an artist. The more famous you are, the faster you become wealthy.
  4. Proficient in certain subject. Suppose you are good at playing football like Lionel Messi, you are easily the wealth. Many football clubs are willing to pay for the services you dearly.
  5. Smart. If you are good at certain areas that others can not do, you can also easy for the rich. Suppose you could create a tool that can get to the planet Pluto, certainly many who would employ you with big salaries. Of course this can happen if you have a very smart brain.
  6. Creative. Another way to become rich is to be a creative person. Creative people are able to do something I never thought people before.
  7. Diligent and hard work. Of perseverance and hard work, can also be a rich man. If your friend only work 8 hours a day for example, you work 14 hours a day. Then, you will be rich quick.
Well, now you want to use the rich ways in which?  Please answer in the comment box below.

How It Works As Rich People Do?

Who would want to be rich?

I am sure you will stretch out your hands. Correct?
If you want to be rich, then you need to learn how to work the rich. Average rich men if we had noticed similarities in the work. Well that's what I want to share this time: how to work as the rich do.
Of course I'm referring to here is not rich because you have inherited so descendants such as Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Page. Or maybe because of marrying a rich widow or widower.

What I mean here is that they get a fortune with his own hands. From the bottom, crawling, trying hard, until then able to accumulate wealth that makes it referred to as the rich.
  1. The rich are not only motivated by money. Yes, money is not the only motivation of people who become rich in work and raising business. But the awareness to make a valuable contribution to the crowd. There have been many examples of how rich people donate and contribute in many ways, whether published or not.
  2. Time is more valuable than money. Rich people are aware that time is more valuable than money. Therefore, they buy time from people who worked for him. The rich prefer to hire people for things he is not good enough to do it or it is not productive for him.
  3. Not just work. The rich do not just work. But they worked hard and smart to achieve the success they want to achieve. They not only work, but would like to achieve victory.